
Bluetooth Barcode scanner Inateck BCST-10 and Inateck BTA-CSR4B5 problems

I could not get my Inateck BCST-10 barcode scanner to sync with the Inatack BTA-CSR4B5 USB bBluetoothadapter.  Inateck support suggested uninstalling the drivers and installing the adapter as a generic bluetooth adapter.  Unfortunately ,that did not work for me.  It seems that this is a problem with this particular bBluetoothchipset as this forum post shows.

I followed the advice:

To accomplish this select “Update Driver Software” from “CSR BlueCore Nanosira” (the working device), then select “Browse my computer for driver software” and then “Let me pick form a list of device drivers on my computer”. In my case Windows presents the new driver from CSR (“CSR BlueCore Nanosira”) and two generic drivers as you can see in screenshot 2. 

I selected “Generic Bluetooth Radio” from the list and clicked OK. Then I had “Generic Bluetooth Radio” and “Microsoft Bluetooth Enumerator” back under “Bluetooth Radios” and the Bluetooth icon appeard in the taskbar again. After that I was able to use my bluetooth mouse and keyboard again (even without pairing it again).

I tested the scanner with my netbook and the internal bluetooth radio and it works ok.

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