Remove sidebar and make shop pages wider with Astra WordPress theme

Remove sidebar and make shop pages wider with Astra WordPress theme

I had an issue with the Astra wordpress theme and my Woocommerce store pages. I was stuck with a sidebar that I wasn’t using. Astra sent me the following code to remove the sidebar: add_filter( ‘astra_page_layout’, ‘no_sidebar_shop_page’ ); function no_sidebar_shop_page( $sidebar ) { if ( is_shop() ) { $sidebar = ‘no-sidebar’; } return $sidebar; }…

Multistore Builder Pro – Amazon secret key error – fix

Multistore Builder Pro – Amazon secret key error – fix

After installing this product on one of my wordpress sites, I tried to setup the Amazon affiliate store but no matter how many times I tried, I could not get the AWS keys working.  I kept getting error: The request signature we calculated does not match the signature you provided. Check your AWS Secret Access…

Sage Line 50 – Windows 10 error: Unable to register datasource

Sage Line 50 – Windows 10 error: Unable to register datasource

After reinstalling Windows on to my PC I noticed that I could not get Sage Line 50 2009 accounting software to load up sample or company data files. After searching I found that there is an issue related to the Windows 10 Anniversary updates.  The fix is simple luckily, head over to Ask Sage and…